Welcome to Saimaa

Reservieren Sie jetzt Ihr Angelurlaub am Saimaa See für den Jahren 2019!

Angelreisen am Saimaa-See, Finnland

Angelreisen und Fischfang am Saimaa-See, Finnland

Angelreisen am Saimaa-See, Finnland

Angelreisen am Saimaa-See, Finnland

Plotteri ja luotain

Plotteri ja luotain

Plotteri ja luotain

Pike Spinning on Lake Saimaa!

Zander fishing on Lake Saimaa

Pike fishing on Lake Saimaa

Spinning trips on Lake Saimaa!

Spinning trips on Lake Saimaa!

Wir haben eine moderne Finnisches Ferienhaus (68 m²) in Savonranta befindet. Perfekt für kleinere Gruppe von Fischern mit bis zu 6 Personen. Der fischreiche Saimaasee beginnt 25 m vor der haustür und ermöglicht vielseitige freizeitmöglichkeiten Sommers und Winters.

Machen Sie jetzt die Vorbuchung für die Fischerhütte von Old School Trolling und für den Einführungstag über das beutesichere Wasser von dem Saimaa See für den Sommer 2019.

Wir anbieten Sie die Hüttemiete für eine Woche während der beste Urlaub- und Fischersaison des Sommers und den Fischerausflug mit dem professionellen Angelführer Jari Käyhkö.

Für selbständiges Angeln stellen wir Ihnen gerne unsere trei Motorboote (4 - 8 PS Mercury) und unsere Angelausrüstung zur Verfügung - Sie müssen keine Miete der Nutzung unserer Boote zu zahlen.

Keine Haustiere. Die Gäste müssen die Hütte als sauber bevor Abgang verlassen. Mitbringen der eigenen Boote ist verboten ohne die Erlaubnis von Old School Trolling. Nur Fischen mit der Rute von Angeln, Spinnen und Schleppfischen ist erlaubt.

Winter time is for Active and Tip-up Ice Fishing

Ice cover usually begins to form in the beginning of December on the shallow parts of Lake Saimaa, but the best ice fishing times on the whole Lake Saimaa area start in mid-December. The early season until the end of January is very good for active and tip-up ice fishing of pike and perch. The ice fishing season of rainbow trout starts in the beginning of January and ends in mid-April. From mid-January to the end of February we do ice fishing for burbot. Spring fishing from the beginning of March to mid-April it is the best season for ice fishing of pike, perch, roach, bream, whitefish and zander on Lake Saimaa.

Read article: Ismete bait fishing is an effective method for catching wintertime pikes on Lake Saimaa!

Spring Time Angling and Spinning

Water areas near our fishing cottage are free from ice usually around the 1st of May. The waters right in front of our cottage are only max. 2,5 metres deep. This means that the waters warm up quite fast in spring, which attracts small fish to do their eating and spawning there in May, which in its turn attracts bigger carnivorous fish to turn up and eat the small fish. The most effective methods for catching fish in the beginning of May are spinning, worm angling and fresh bait angling.

Here you can read fishing reports of our visitors from May 2014 - 2016!

Big Pike Fishing for Early Summer

I have been fishing for over 30 years on these waters and I have learned that the period from the beginning of June to Midsummer is very good for big pike fishing near our fishing cottage. This is due to the coldness of the waters and the end of spawning period, which makes big pikes hungry and ready for catching. There are also plenty of smaller pikes hunting in shallow water, which makes fishing very active with lots of biting and actual catches.

Here you can read fishing reports of our visitors from June 2012 - 2016!

Zander Fishing and Bright Nights of Midsummer

The last week of June and the first two weeks of July are good for catching zander near our fishing cottage. After mid-July zanders will start to move towards the streaming water areas in the distance of 5 - 6 km from our cottage and also to the big lakes of the Great Saimaa lake system, such as Paasselka, Orivesi, Savonselka and so on. Big pikes do the same and both zanders and pikes will be more often caught from the deeper areas or bank slopes of the big lakes of Saimaa in the daytime.

Here you can read fishing reports of our visitors from July 2014 - 2015!

Sunny Summer Days & Warm Nights on Lake Saimaa

In Finland July and August are the best months for fishing on Lake Saimaa due to warm waters and often very warm or even hot weathers. There are plenty of fish about and you can fish around the clock if you wish, thanks to our light summer nights. Big perches normally move to the shallow waters in mid-July and they can be caught there in the daytime during a period of a couple of weeks. If you do late evening / early morning or night time fishing near our cottage, you will be able to catch zanders and pikes from the shallow waters as well. The best season for night-time fishing on Lake Saimaa continues from Midsummer until the end of August.

Here you can read fishing reports of our visitors from August 2016!

Fall Colours and Perch Flocks in September and October

The weather is still warm in late August and early September, making it great for picking berries and mushrooms near our cottage as well as fishing for perch and pike. The beginning of the season of fall colours, from mid-September to the beginning of October, is excellent for catching big pikes close to our fishing cottage. The season of fall colours will last until mid-October. From the beginning of October bigger perches start forming flocks in the deeper water areas of Lake Saimaa. Bigger pikes are also moving to deeper water areas to hunt vendace, which have their spawning season from mid-October to mid-November.

Here you can read fishing reports of our visitors from September 2016 - 2018!

Here you can read fishing reports of our visitors from October 2014 - 2016!


Für alle anderen Angeltechniken werden Angelscheine benötigt und Personen zwischen 18 und 64 Jahren müssen zudem eine staatliche Fischereiabgabe entrichten. Die staatliche Fischereiabgabe berechtigt zum Angeln mit künstlichen Ködern und einer Rute. Davon ausgenommen sind Stromschnellen und Fließgewässer in Wanderfischgewässern sowie die Sondergewässer z.B. kleine Besatzseen.

Sie können die staatliche Fischereiabgabe 2023 für ein ganzes Jahr (46 Euro) oder für einen Zeitraum von sieben Tagen (16 Euro) oder für einen Tag (6 Euro) entrichten.

Kontaktieren Sie uns für Preise!

Kontakt: jari@oldschooltrolling.fi

Old School Trolling  •  Jari Kayhko
GSM +358 400 523 819  •  jari@oldschooltrolling.fi 
Y-tunnus 2326440-4

Welcome to Saimaa